18.2 Release Notes (12/13)

We are releasing 🎉 18.2 🎉! Some things to note with every new CXR release moving forward:

Minor releases will only contain critical bug fixes and security patches. Other changes, especially changes that impact the UI of the Airkit platform, will only be released as part of a major version update. To apply any new features shipped in this way to an existing application, you will need to update the app so that you can build it in the most recent version.

Now let's jump into the new features!

🎉 Added

  • There are two new Actions: Throw and Try.

    • The Throw Action immediately throws an error and halts evaluation of the Action Chain.

    • The Try Action is used to perform a Try-Catch statement.

  • We've released simpler versions of the Checkbox List and Radio Button List Web Controls, which work out-of-the-box without any configuration required. Check out Simple Radio List and Simple Checkbox List to learn more details.

  • The Date Picker Web Control has been modified to allow customization of how the Days Out (number of days from which a user is allowed to pick a date) are counted. Previously, all days were counted as a matter of course, but now you have the option to count either all days or only the days available for selection by the given calendar.

  • We’ve removed the My Apps section of the Console, as well as the App Landing Page. This should remove some intermediate steps, and make it easier to move directly between the Studio and Console.

  • App Health can be captured via the standard protocol OpenMetrics, allowing them to be monitored via external systems. For more information, see App Health.

  • We revamped Styles inspectors for a better user experience.

🛠 Fixes & Updates

  • Standardized our spacing and font sizes to make the UI of the Airkit platform more consistent.

  • Fixed accessibility issues across multiple web controls.

  • Fixed background-color issue with outer containers.

  • Fixed an issue with variants not being added to checkboxes.

  • Fixed an issue with child spacing on container lists.

  • Fixed an issue with the IS_EMPTY schema.

  • Fixed a small issue where the visual query builder for an Airdata request data operation would overflow with larger Airscript expressions.

  • Various fixes across the platform and runtime.

We're looking forward to seeing what you keep building in the Airkit studio, and thank you for being part of the Airkit Builder community.

Happy Building!

Last updated