Collect Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) Web Flow Template

Collect Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) is one of the Web Flow templates within the Customer Profile category.

This Web Flow template has pre-configured components to collect the CSAT.

CSAT Web Flow template

This Web Flow contains three Web Pages with the following components:

CSAT with Rounded Edges

  • Label controls that ask users to rate their experience.

  • Button Cells that allow users to grade their Satisfaction from 0 to 10.

  • Label controls that guide users in their rating.

  • A Text Area that allows users to write feedback if the chosen score was 0 to 9.

  • A Text Area that allows users to write feedback if the chosen score was 10.

  • A Submit button that allows users to continue their journey, and triggers the event “CSAT Selected”.

CSAT with Square Edges and Radio Button List

  • Label controls that ask users to rate their experience.

  • Button Cells that allow users to grade their Satisfaction from 0 to 10.

  • Label controls that guide users in their rating.

  • A Text Area that allows users to write feedback.

  • A Submit button that allows users to continue their journey, and triggers the event “CSAT Selected”.

CSAT with List of SimpleCell Buttons

  • Label controls that ask users to rate their experience.

  • Button Cells that allow users to grade their Satisfaction from 1 to 10.

  • Label controls that guide users in their rating.

  • A Submit button that allows users to continue their journey, and triggers the event “CSAT Selected”.


CSAT with Rounded Edges:

  • CSAT (text)

  • feedback (text)

CSAT with Square Edges and Radio Button List

  • csatValue (text)

  • feedback (text)

CSAT with List of SimpleCell Buttons

  • options (number)

  • selectedOption (number)


The CSAT web pages use the CSAT Selected event on the submit button of each web page.

  • CSAT Selected

Use Cases

  • Collect Customer information processed by a platform of your choice through a Journey.

Last updated