

The Image Web Control can be used to insert images into a Web Page. This Control is found under Media when adding a Web Control.

Control Details


Used to specify a link to the desired image or media file. Airkit accepts an image URL or Asset URI. By default, a stock image URL is inserted that should be replaced.

Advanced Control Properties

Alt Text

Allows the app builder to insert alternative text to the image. This text will be displayed to the app user if the image cannot be displayed. For more information, see MDN.

Is Visible

This allows the app builder to set conditions as to whether the image is visible. This field expects an expression that evaluates to either a True or False. If the value is True, the image will display, otherwise it will not. By default, images are visible unless otherwise specified in this setting.


Images can be styled with these controls. Check the Common Style Properties of Web Controls.

####Example 1: Adding an image to a Web Page

After creating an image within the app, change the URL property to the image URI of an image you uploaded to Media Library

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