
Asset is a Data Type used to refer to a file asset. This file can be of any type: a text file, a zip file, or even an image. The Asset Data Type represents the file in your application. You can create Assets that are global to your application in Media Library. You can also create Assets through Data Flows in Connection Builder.

Note: The Asset Data Type refers to a file asset, but it doesn't necessarily contain all relevant information about the asset. A subcategory of Asset, the Detailed Asset, contains all of their properties and then some, including information about the Asset's file type, size, and state.

The Asset Data Type has the following properties:

  • id (String) - the unique identifier of this Asset. It is a UUID string.

  • assetKey (String) - used to distinguish which version of the Asset you want to use. It is the branch ID of where the Asset is stored.

  • organizationId (String) - Assets are scoped to Organizations. This ID represents the Organization ID for which the Asset belongs to.

  • version (Number) - indicates which version of the Asset being referred to when making updates to an Asset we will modify the version number.

  • visibility (String) - can be either GLOBAL or PRIVATE. Global Assets are available on the CDN with a static link. Private visibility requires a generated link.

    • URLs linking to Private Assets expire at most seven days from the creation of the Asset.

    • URLs linking to Global Assets do not expire.

Example: Properly-formatted Asset:

 "organizationId": "",  
 "assetKey": "",  
 "id": "",  
 "version": 0,  
 "visibility": ""  

Last updated

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