Metric: Stop Timer

The Metric: Stop Timer Action is used with the Metric: Start Timer Action to gather data on how Apps are being used. When the Metric: Stop Timer Action is called with the key of a timer started by the Metric: Start Timer Action, the total time elapsed is gathered in the [reporting] ( dashboard.

Use Cases

  • To track how long a customer spends filling out each part of a data entry flow

  • To track the average time a user spends in each branch of a Voice Bot


Metric Key

The key that identifies this timer. This must correspond to the key of a timer started by the Metric: Start Timer Action. This key must be unique – all running timers must have different keys.

If there is no running timer with the specified key, this Action has no effect.


This can be used to track statistics such as how long it takes customers to fill out a form in an App. In the image below, this Action is putting a end to the Metric: Start Timer Action:

To see the report go to Console, select the app, and click on Manage App > View Report.

Last updated