LET...IN evaluates Airscript expressions while using defined temporary values for variables within the expression.

LET...IN is special Airscript syntax, where the input after LET temporarily defines variables, and the input after IN defines the Airscript expression that will be evaluated given that the variables have the previously-defined values. Using LET...IN makes it easy to locally test how complicated Airscript expressions might behave given various input.


LET var_1 = val_1, var_2 = val_2, ..., var_i = val_i IN airscript_expression -> result


var_1 (required, type: string) A variable that appears in the airscript_expression.

val_1 (required, type: any) The value to use in place of var_1 when evaluating the airscript_expression.

var_n (optional, type: string) A variable that appears in the airscript_expression.

val_n (optional, type: any) The value to use in place of var_n when evaluating the airscript_expression.

airscript_expression (required, type: Airscript Expression) The Airscript expression that will be evaluated.

Return Values

result (type: any) The result of airscript_expression after it has been evaluated using the defined values for the designated variables.


The following expression evaluates the Airscript expression x + 2 when the number 3 is used in place of x:

LET x = 3 IN x + 2 -> 5

It's possible to temporarily define multiple variables, and they don't have to be defined in the same order they appear within the Airscript expression. The following example temporarily defines y as 4 and x as 3 and then correctly evaluates x + y, or 3 + 4:

LET y = 4, x = 3 IN x + y -> 7

Technically, not all temporarily defined variables need to appear in the Airscript expression in order for it to evaluate properly. The following example temporarily defines x as 3 and y as 4 and then correctly evaluates x + 1, and Airscript expression that does not reference y at all:

LET x = 3, y = 4 IN x + 1 -> 4

Note that while this is technically valid, it is not recommended. There is no need to take the time temporarily defining variables that the Airscript expression does not reference.

Temporarily-defined variables cannot be defined in terms of another temporarily-defined variable. For instance, if we define x as 6 and then y as x + 10, trying to apply this values to evaluate the Airscript expression y + 4 will result in an error:

LET x = 6, y = x + 10 IN y + 4 -> ERROR

It is, however, possible to use LET...IN inside of the Airscript expression being evaluated. Doing so makes it possible to effectively define one temporarily-defined variable in terms of another, such as in the following example, which defines x as 6 when evaluating an Airscript expression that defines y as x + 10 and then uses that to evaluate y + 4:

LET x = 6 IN LET y = x + 10 IN y + 4 -> 20

LET...IN expressions can reference locally-accessible variables beyond those that are temporarily defined. For instance, say all following expressions have access to sample_number, which is defined as follows:

sample_number = 4

If a LET...IN expression references sample_number within the Airscript expression and does not defined a temporary override, then the Airscript expression will value of sample_number defined above:

LET x = 1 IN x + sample_number -> 5

However, if a LET...IN expression does define a temporary value for sample_number, the Airscript expression will evaluate using the temporarily-defined value for the variable:

  x = 1,
  sample_number = 1
IN x + sample_number -> 2

The above examples used number variables for the sake of simplicity, but it should be stressed that the temporarily defined variables can be of any data type. Likewise, the Airscript expressions being evaluated can be arbitrarily complicated, referencing all manner of functions as well as arithmetic operators.

For instance, the following example temporarily defines a variable of the Date type,input_date, as June 19th, 2022. It compares this Date to the current date, and if it does not take place in the future, the expression returns a string indicating that the given function is too old. Otherwise, it returns the string, "This is a valid date."

  input_date = {
    "day": 19,
    "month": 6,
    "year": 2022
  input_date < DATE_FROM_DATETIME(NOW()),
  "The date {{
    FORMAT_DATE(input_date, "MM/DD/YYYY")
  }} is too old!",
  "This is a valid date."
) -> "The date 06/19/2022 is too old!"

There are many uses for the LET...IN expression, but one of the most common is simplifying repetitive expressions. For instance, say you are querying a list of complex nested objects, and the query expression requires calling multiple times on a property that is designated with unavoidably lengthy dot notation. With a LET...IN expression, you can replace each instance of that property with a variable, allowing you to avoid repeating the fully designation multiple times and mitigating the risk of typos.

Say, for instance, that all downstream expressions have access to the following list of objects, object_list:

object_list = [
    "layer_1": {
      "layer_2": {
        "key_1": "value_1",
        "key_2": "value_2"
    "layer_1": {
      "layer_2": {
        "key_1": "value_3",
        "key_2": "value_4"

To generate a new list of objects that contain only the values given under the attributes object_list.layer_1.layer_2.key_1 and object_list.layer_1.layer_2.key_2, you can use LET...IN as follows:

    prefix = curr.layer_1.layer_2
  IN {
    "key_one": prefix.key_1,
    "key_two": prefix.key_2

    "key_one": "value_1",
    "key_two": "value_2"
    "key_one": "value_3",
    "key_two": "value_4"

This way, "curr.layer_1.layer_2" only needs to be typed once.

Last updated

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