The BASE function converts a Number to a String with the given radix.
number (required, type: number) The decimal number to be converted to radix.
radix (required, type: number) The radix or base the number should be converted to.
min_length (optional, type: number) The minimum length the String should be. If the converted number contains less than min_length digits, it will be prefixed with zeros making the final string min_length long.
Return Values
string (type: number) The converted number as a string
In addition to the normal digits zero through nine, the base 16 number system also represents digits with the characters 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', and 'f'. A rather famous hexadecimal number in computer science is the number 3735928559.
We could prefix eight zeros by specifying that the string should be no less than sixteen digits long.
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