Swagger Schema Validation

The Validate a Swagger Schema Data Operation validates a Swagger file from the content that is passed in.

Use Cases

  • Validate incoming requests with a Swagger file. See https://swagger.io/

  • Ensure that incoming data is valid before proceeding into further application logic

Data Operation Properties

Swagger API

Expects type text.

This is the schema that defines how valid data should be structured. It is the definition to which data will be checked against the input for this value is a json Swagger schema. Usually Swagger schemas are built in yaml; if you have a yaml Swagger schema you can translate it to JSON using a tool like this one: https://onlineyamltools.com/convert-yaml-to-json

Object to Validate

Expects type text.

The data (a variable or result of variable operations) that should be checked and validated.

Object Schema

Expects type text.

The specific namespace or level within the Swagger Schema that should be used for validation.

Multiple of Precision

Expects type number.

Sets the number of valid decimals.

Example input

Paste the following sample Swagger schema into the field Swagger API:

           "AirKit Swagger Schema validation example",
           "A simple Swagger Schema example to validate against and learn how to use Swagger validation within Connections Builder",
           { "name": "Airkit Support", "url": "https://www.airkit.com/", "email": "support@airkit.com" },
                   [ "username", "email" ],
                       { "type": "string", "description": "the name of the user" },
                       { "type": "string", "description": "the username of the user" },
                       { "type": "email", "description": "the email of the user" }

Paste the following sample object to validate into the field Object to Validate:

   "username": "dlerner",
   "name": "Daniel", 
   "email": "daniel@airkit.com" 

Paste the following value within the Object Schema field:


Click Run and you should see the following result:

   "isValid": true,
   "errors": null

The object defined inObject to Validate gets validated against the schema on Swagger API. This is done using the namespace that's defined on Object Schema. In the example, an object with username, name and email gets validated against the definition of the UserData that lives in the Swagger definition on components.schemas.UserData. Since the object has all the required fields, then the result given is that the object is valid. We can remove the field "name" from the object to validate and we won't get an error, since it's not a required field.

For invalid responses, paste this object into the field Object to Validate:

"username": "dlerner",   
"name": "Daniel"  

Now run the Data Operation step and you should see the following error:

 "isValid": false,  
    "errors": [{  
        "keyword": "required",  
        "dataPath": "",  
        "schemaPath": "spec#/components/schemas/UserData/required",  
        "params": {  
            "missingProperty": "email"  
        "message": "should have required property 'email'"  

Run Result

The result from this operation has two main results:

  • If there is an error on the validation, isValid is FALSE; otherwise isValid is TRUE

  • The errors object holds a list with the details of all the errors found

Last updated

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