Subtraction (-)

Airkit supports the standard subtraction operator -. It is used to subtract Number values from other Numbers and Currency values from other Currencies.


Subtracting Numbers

The following example shows how the subtraction operator is used to subtract the Number 2 from the Number 3. Note that it returns a another Number: 1, 2 less than 3:

3 - 2 -> 1

Subtracting Currency

The subtraction operator can be used to subtract Currencies provided the Currency values have the same currency code. For instance, say you have two Currency values, currency_1 and currency_2, defined as follows:

currency_1 -> {
  "amount": 3000,
  "code": "USD",
  "precision": 2
currency_2 -> {
  "amount": 1000,
  "code": "USD",
  "precision": 2

currency_1 and currency_2 both represent money in US dollars, so one can be subtracted by the other using the subtraction operator:

currency_1 - currency_2 -> {
  "amount": 2000,
  "code": "USD",
  "precision": 2

Airscript supports negative Currency values, so it is also possible to use the subtraction operator to subtract currency_1 from currency_2, as follows. Note that the resulting Currency has a negative amount value:

currency_2 - currency_1 -> {
  "amount": -2000,
  "code": "USD",
  "precision": 2

Currency values cannot be subtracted if they do not have matching currency codes. For example, say there is a third Currency value, currency_3, in Euros rather than dollars, defined as follows:

currency_3 -> {
  "amount": 2000,
  "code": "EURO",
  "precision": 2

Attempting to use the subtraction operator to subtract currency_3 from currency_1 will result in an error, because the subtraction operator cannot subtract euros from US dollars:

currency_1 + currency_3 -> ERROR

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