Secure Value Retrieval

The Secure Value Retrieval Data Operation is used to retrieve securely entered data via the Secure Text Input Web Control for later use in a Data Flow. This Data Operation input is the secure value collected from an Event on the Secure Text Input Web Control.

[block:callout] { "type": "warning", "body": "Secure data should only be retrieved and used in connections. It should not be returned from a connection. If it is, the end-user client will then have access to it, and the data will no longer be secure." } [/block]

Use Cases

  • Fetching a password from a password input box

  • Retrieving secure information like a social security number from a user

  • Taking in credit card information

Data Operation Properties

Expects type text.

This Operation only has one property, and it requires the secureValueKey to access the secure value entered in a Secure String Input. This is how the value is set to a property on the Web Page.

Then make a call to a connection with that value:

Run Results

By default, Airkit creates a variable of type Text called "secureValue" and can then be passed into subsequent operations.

Last updated