Time Input

The Time Input Web Control inserts boxes that allow app users to input time data.



Placeholder Text

Expects type text.

The text that is displayed on the box before the app users enters text. This field expects text to be encapsulated by string quotes.

Data Binding


Expects type text.

By default, a Variable of type Time is generated at the Web Page level to store the data from the input. Users can also edit the Data Binding property and create their own Variables.

Data Tag

Assigns a data tag on the value of the control. For more information, see Data Masking and Auditing.



Determines whether the user's device is allowed to autocomplete the field. Guidance can be provided to the app user's browsing environment by using one of the pre-determined autocomplete options. For more information, see the autocomplete attribute.

Input Format

Time Pattern

Sets the time format. This field may accept an expression and expects text.

Use 24 Hour Clock

If checked, the user is allowed to input time following the 24-hour clock format.


Displays the symbol that delimits sections of a time as it is entered.

Delimiter Lazy Show

If checked, delimiter will be written by default when inputting time.


Right Icon

Allows the display of icons to the right-hand-side of the input box.


Aria Label

Expects type text.

Defines a value to the aria-label of the control. For more information, see here.

Aria Invalid

Expects type text.

A value of true or false to indicate that the value entered into an input field is not in a format or a value the application will accept. For more information, see here

Input ID

Expects type text.

The Input ID assigned to the Time Input Web Control. This Input ID can tied to a Label so that clicking on the associated Label will allow users to enter Time input.

For more on how to use the Input ID, see Connecting Labels to Input Controls.


Is Visible

Expects type boolean.

If TRUE the input will be visible. If FALSE the input will not be displayed. If the field is empty, the input will be visible.

Is Disabled

Expects type boolean.

If TRUE the time input will be disabled and the user will not be able to interact with the control. If FALSE the time input will be enabled. If the field is empty, the time input will be enabled.


The Time Variant has styles for the following states:

Default - When first rendered without state Disabled - When the Time Input is disabled Focused - when the Time Input is focused

Check Common style properties of web controls for further details on how to style this Control.


On Blur

Triggers when the user leaves the input field. That is, when changing the focus from the field to some other part of the application.

Value Changed

Triggers with each typed letter. That is, Value changes every time a key is pressed, unlike a Checkbox, where its Value changes when the box is selected.

On Enter

Triggers upon pressing Enter.

For more information, check out Action Inspector Tab to find all the available action.


Data entered into time inputs are tied by default to an Airkit automatically generated Time Variable for the inputted data to be stored, which can be seen within Inspector > Data Binding.

In this example, a time_input variable has been created which can be used to pass data across web pages, events, data flows and more.

Last updated